Sustainability - NZSG's Progress

Posted Sunday July 10, 2022

In the past two editions of the NZSG panui we've shared information on climate change; where the world is right now and how healthcare is a large part of the problem but also how we, as healthcare professionals, can lead in the solution.

NZSG has been working to aid climate change initiatives in Aotearoa and meeting with International Gastroenterology Climate Change Advocates to share ideas and consider solutions.

In May, President Zoë Raos, met with BSG and GESA representatives Ass. Prof. Bu Hayee and Prof. Krish Raganuth to discuss the BSG Sustainability Platform, one of six strategic areas subsequently announced at the BSG Conference in July. The Platform includes a five year plan with strategic objectives on six levels; personal, professional, political, organisational, international and research underpinned by key references and information on a webpage. BSG has generously agreed to share their work with GESA and NZSG.

A GESA - NZSG Working Group has been started with three members from the Society; Ricardo Jurawan, Rhys John, and Charlotte Rowan joining Zoë to discuss how the two organisations can work together on shared initiatives. The next hui of the working group plan to meet with GESA's Green Endoscopy Group Chair, Michael Swan, to discuss next steps.

NSZG President has also met with members of the New Zealand Society of Anaesthetists to discuss nitrous oxide, an established greenhouse gas, in GI endoscopy and explore alternatives.

Our ASM call for abstracts includes a sustainability section. We hope to build sustainability into future ASMs in line with WGO, BSG and GESA, as well as positive feedback from NZSG’s first sustainable ASM session in 2021

2023 will be a year of growth for NZSG in sustainability and we look forward to sharing our successes with you. Please get in touch if you’d like to get involved.

In a gentle way, you can shake the world. Mahatma Gandhi 


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