Grants and Awards

We've extended the date to apply for the NZSG - Janssen Research Fellowship to 16 September 2024.

NZSG Janssen Research Fellowship

Janssen Pharmaceutical have generously agreed to provide financial support to for a Research Fellowship or research grant to be rewarded to a member of the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology.

  • To promote research in gastroenterology in New Zealand
  • To encourage gastroenterology trainees to participate in research 

Applicants for the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology Research Fellowship must, at the time of application, be a financial standing member of the Society and be:

  • EITHER an advanced trainee in Gastroenterology or Gastro-Intestinal Surgery
  • OR a Gastroenterology or Surgical specialist in New Zealand working in a department involved in training registrars
  • OR a basic science/clinical researcher working in a group with a Gastroenterology focus.

Applicants (regardless of their designation) are required to be current financial members of the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology at the time of application.

The Fellowship is jointly funded by Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd and the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology.  The Fellowship amount is up to $65,000.

The Fellowship can be awarded in the form of a grant for a research project initiated by a specialist or a basic science researcher but has to require substantial input from trainee(s)/student(s).

The amount can be divided between research expenses and salary provided that details are provided for funding of the trainee and the expected duration of the project.

If awarded to a trainee, the fellow will be an employee of the host institution who will provide the contract of employment and claim reimbursement for salary and related expenditure from the Treasurer of the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology Inc.

The Fellowship may be awarded for a second year however full subsequent application is required. Granting would depend on a satisfactory report at the end of the first year. The decision is made by the Executive and depends on the relative merits of all applications received.

The successful applicant (whether awarded as a fellowship or grant) is required to present results of his or her research at a scientific meeting of the Society. The applicant must submit to the NZSG office: 

  1. An Interim Report at least 60 days prior to the Annual Scientific Meeting 
  2. A Final Report by 31 January of the following year the Fellowship was awarded

Transfer of the Fellowship to a new host institution is not encouraged. This would require the approval of both host departments, the authority of the Society and the approval of the Executive of the Society.

The Fellow will acknowledge the support of Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd and the New Zealand Society of Gastroenterology in all publications and in programmes of meetings at which the research is presented.

All research conducted by fellows must be approved by either an approved institutional animal ethics committee or a human subjects ethics committee (accredited by the Health Research Council of New Zealand) where appropriate.

Intellectual property will be subject to the rules of the host institution.

Leave during the fellowship will be subject to the rules of the host institution.

Trainees who have secured a research post outside New Zealand who require wages in order to take up the position may also apply. However, research based in New Zealand will take priority.

Applications should be submitted via the application form

Please ensure that you include:

  • A succinct account of the proposed research project including background, aims, methods, significance and research impact sections with no more than 20 key references 
  • A curriculum vitae and full publication list of the trainee OR for all researchers if this is an application for a project grant.
  • The names of two referees who have agreed to provide a references.

If the application is from a Trainee, please submit to

  • a letter from the applicant outlining future career plans and explaining the arrangements for supervision and availability of facilities and working expenses for the research within the host department.

  • a letter of support from the head of the host department or the supervisor of the research explaining the arrangements made for research supervision and outlining the facilities and working expenses available for research within the host department.

For applications from a specialist for a project grant, a full itemised account of expenses needs to be provided with details of the extent of involvement of trainees.

Please note the fellowship recipient(s) are announced at the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the Society at the award ceremony portion of the ASM dinner. Recipients are encouraged to attend the ASM and be present to accept the award in person.

Applications should be received by the Executive Officer of the Society no later 90 days prior to the ASM. The Fellowship should be taken up within six months of confirmation of the award.

Please email application information to:

Dr Chris Varghese

For his research - Digital biomarker enhanced patient selection for gastric per oral endoscopic myotomy – advancing a promising treatment for delayed gastric emptying with a novel gastric mapping device.

Hypothesizing that Body surface gastric mapping (BSGM), through its comprehensive and reproducible assessment of gastric function, will generate actionable biomarkers predictive of G-POEM success enabling personalised therapy. 

The project aims to advance the utility of G-POEM by enhancing patient-selection 
through first a comprehensive systematic review and a multicentre cohort study employing pre-G-POEM BSGM. Our specific aims are:

  • Define currently known predictors of G-POEM success through a systematic
    review of current literature
  • Through BSGM, identify spectral (amplitude and frequency) biomarkers
    predictive of G-POEM success
  • Derive, and internally validate a clinical decision model for predicting G-POEM

Past recipients include:

  • 2023 Dr Chris Varghese 
  • 2022 Dr Safina Gadeock
  • 2021 Dr Akhilesh Swaminathan
  • 2020 Dr Paulo Urbano
  • 2019 Dr Clarence Kerrison
  • 2018 Dr Akhilesh Swaminathan
  • 2017 Dr Marius van Rijisoever
  • 2016 Dr Debi Prasad
  • 2015 Drs Russel Walmsley, Andrew McCombie, Murray Barclay, Michael Schultz
  • 2014 Drs Peter Swan, Russell Walmsley & David Orr

Small Research Grants

The Small Research Grants (SRG) is to encourage research by members of NZSG by providing a small sum for initial or small projects. The SRG can be used for equipment, operating expenses, tests or salary. Several grants will be awarded each year with selection by a subgroup of the NZSG executive with co-option as required.

Value of the Small Research Grant is a maximum of $5,000 GST exclusive.

Applicants must be either a

  • gastroenterology or surgical trainee or
  • research student or
  • gastroenterology or surgical consultant or
  • scientist or researcher

Each applicant must be a financial member of the NZSG (i.e. both trainee and supervisor if a joint submission) at the time of the application.

  1. Preference will be given to:

    clinical research with trainee or research student involvement that can be completed within 6-12 months.

    clinical questions that are considered to be highly relevant to the NZ population. Preference will be given to centres or clinicians that do not usually have access to other research funds.

  2. Applicants are expected to report the results arising from their SRG fat an Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) of the NZSG. Applicants should submit their findings as an abstract during the abstract submission period prior to the ASM with acknowledgement of the support of the SRG. Presentation of this work will be as a poster or oral presentation dependent upon scoring.

  3. Please note that abstract submissions arising from an SRG are eligible for an award at the ASM if this option is selected at submission.

  4. A final report is required within 12 months of receipt of the grant. 

  5. NZSG must be acknowledged in publications arising from the SRG.

  6. The research must be conducted in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  7. There is no restriction on reapplication by the same applicant in subsequent grant rounds.

  8. The grant is payable to a research account and cannot be paid directly to an individual.

There are two closing dates per year - 31st January and 31st July.

The applications will be considered by a committee nominated by the NZSG Executive. This will comprise Executive members and scientific advisors as deemed appropriate by the NZSG Secretary.

The number of successful applications each year will depend on available funds and the strength of the applications. Partial support of the sum requested may be considered by the Assessment Committee.

The Review process may take up to 2 months. Applicants will be advised of the outcome of the review process. 

To apply, please complete the application form.

Please note incomplete applications will not be considered.

Should you wish to submit further documentation to be considered with the submission please send to ensuring you place SRG in the subject line and reference the name of the research project in the body of the email.

Past SRG Award Recipients can be seen here