NZSG Executive are Hard at Work

Posted Friday April 8, 2022

The Executive Committee and many dedicated NZSG members have progressed many projects these past two months. We've shared a few in this panui.

Here are some other key pieces of work: 

  • In conjunction with NZAGS we have given extensive written feedback to Te Whatu Ora after earlier hui.
  • We have progressed with a Sustainability working group
  • The Society's inaugural Strategic Plan has been finalised, and will be sent to members under a separate correspondence
  • The Executive and R-EXIT committee continue to manage all the complexities of major organisational change
  • Applications for Match 2022 have closed and work is underway in the selection process. April-Mae has done a power of work ‘back of house’ to streamline the Match process
  • Our Equity working group continue to progress their important mahi
  • An IBD Medication Action Group, led by Dr Estella Johns is hard at work to communicate with Pharmac and work out how NZSG can strategically approach current and future applications
  • The annual reporting for 2022 has begun and we will be reaching out to members for reporting at our ASM
  • I attended the Budget 2022 announcement by Hon Peeni Henare on investment in our Māori and Pacific health workforce and have reached out for further information on applying for funding.
Image by: NZ Gastro Office

That's just a small snippet of what the Executive has been doing since our June edition and hope you enjoy the August Panui. 


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