New Zealand Nurses Organisation Gastroenterology Nurses College Committee

Posted Tuesday July 19, 2022

The NZgNC committee has a range of expertise to support our membership . We have three sub specialty groups including Inflammatory Bowel Disease nurses, Hepatology nurses, and Nurse Endoscopists. These groups host education days for their members, and develop Knowledge and Skills frameworks for nurses to align their practice to.

Our committee meet bi-monthly via zoom, and in person three times a year where we progress education initiatives for our members, and discuss and award education scholarships. Our college has a strong focus on creating and enabling education opportunities for nurses in the Gastroenterology specialty.

 Members can apply to NZgNC for funding to attend conferences or education opportunities, and to undertake post graduate papers. The money for these scholarships come from our share of proceeds from the NZSG Gastroenterology ASM conference. This funding enables more nurses to come to conference, as well as continue many on professional career development pathways – such a worthy cause!

In August, we are holding our annual nurse leaders’ day, where senior nurses, managers, and nurse specialists come together from around the country to network and learn. This year, we have a leadership coach who will take us through a trio of workshops to further develop the resourcefulness of our nurse leaders. Our aim is to build resilience and skill in our leadership group, so they can take this back to their teams. So important whilst we are all battling on through this challenging time.


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