Connecting with our Pacific Colleagues

Posted Monday August 5, 2024

It was a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to speak at the 10th Internal Medicine of the Pacific (IMOP) Conference in Fiji, 26-27th July, where the theme of the conference was “Pacific Gut Health: Current and Future Directions towards Sustainability.”

The development of gastroenterology and endoscopy around the Pacific is tremendously encouraging, with a huge impact from ANZGITA in promoting and providing endoscopy training to our colleagues from the “Blue Continent”. Ongoing work to develop accessible Hepatitis B treatment programmes also has exciting potential.

I particularly enjoyed having the opportunity to meet Dr Mai Ling Perman, the new President of IMOP, other members of the team, and also Australian and New Zealand members of the ANZGITA Board, and would like to encourage all our members to consider opportunities to work with and support our Pacific colleagues.

Professor Catherine Stedman


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