Polypectomy Course in 2025

Posted Wednesday August 14, 2024

Day 1 Thursday February 13, 2025: Educational Lecture Series

Day 2 Friday February 14, 2025: Hands-On Programme (limited places).

Thanks to generous funding by the National Bowel Screening Programme for the first course held in 2023 NZSG is excited to be offering the NZSG course covering best practice in polypectomy and endoscopic resection techniques again in 2024. 

Day 1 is an educational programme which will be offered at a lecture theatre within the University of Auckland. The exact location will be confirmed closer to the time. The programme is open to all interested parties. The fees for Day 1 are:

  1. $425 SMOs and Consultants

  2. $250 Advanced trainees

  3. $150 Endoscopy Nurses, Nurse Endoscopists.

Please submit the completed application form to attend Day 1

Day 2 is a hands-on programme limited to six people by application, and final selection will be based on:

  1. Completed application form with

  2. Current CV and logbook

  3. NZCCRTGE recognition (if applicable)

To apply for Day 2 please submit application form, CV, logbook and recognition to office@nzsg.org.nz

The six selected participants for Day 2 will have the opportunity to practice endoscopic resection techniques under guidance by established Interventional Endoscopists in Aotearoa New Zealand. The course aims to review individual’s polypectomy technique with formative feedback; supplemented by some hands-on skills training in assessment of polyp types and management, basic EMR and polypectomy. There will be opportunity to try various techniques used such as basic lift and snare EMR, band-ligation EMR plus adjunct such as soft-tip coagulation techniques.

Day 2 course fee is $2500.00. This includes Day 1 fees.

A programme and further information will be sent to applicants' closer to the date.


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